Cool Cafe

Cool Teen Science Cafés: Submit Your Stories

Cool Teen Science Cafés: Submit Your Stories

Interesting or “Cool” Teen Science Cafés are magical. The sense of excitement, intrigue, curiosity, and full engagement is palpable. Sometimes this happens because of the topic, others due to the manner of the presenter and conversation, others due to the hands on learning. Whenever you have a Cool Café, share it with the Network. It is a great way to advertise your program, and other members my be inspired to organize a similar Café. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Follow the link below to access a form though which you can submit a blog about your Cool Teen Science Cafés. The form is in three parts. Here is some guidance on how you might structure your text:


  • What was the Café all about?
  • What was the Big Idea or Most Important Thing the presenter got across?
  • How would you characterize the conversation and interaction among teens and presenter?
  • What was the coolest thing about this Cafe?

Here is some guidance on how you might structure your text:

Brain of the ZOMBIE!

What’s in your water?


Hands-on activities:

  • Here provide a description the activity.
  • How was the hands-on learning tied to the presentation?

Your entry will be richer if you can include a photo or two, videos taken from the café, the presenters webpage, or URL’s for any resource with your submission. Please send images in jpg format, or URL’s to webpages and videos to

Click here to submit your Cool Café!

Additional Information